Surprising Facts About Peanuts and Peanut Butter

Everyone knows peanut butter is a great source of protein and healthy fats. The peanut butter and peanuts have many interesting facts you might not know even if you have been eating them for many years.

  • As per the National Peanut butter board, to produce a 12 oz jar of classic peanut butter, around 540 peanuts are used. You might be scared with calories intact, but the fun fact is it can help you reduce weight because it keeps you filled for a long time.
  • To produce 1 ounce of peanut butter, 4.7 gallons of water is used.
  • Peanut butter helps you keep bad cholesterol levels low and heart healthy.
  • You can find four major types of peanuts: Valencia, Virginia, Runner, and Spanish
  • In women, peanut butter helps in lessening the risk of gallstones.
  • Peanut butter is legumes aka edible seeds that are covered in pods. Even if its name has the word “nut”, it is not a nut.
  • Peanut butter is full of vitamins and minerals like zinc, potassium, and magnesium.
  • According to an FDA regulation released in the 1960s, a jar of peanut butter must have 90% of peanuts. If it doesn’t have a minimum of 90% of peanuts, then it is not classic peanut butter. It is peanut butter spread.
Interesting Isn't it?


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